Files Manager
- Packages
- Flysystem | Docs - A filesystem abstraction which allows you to easily swap out a local filesystem for a remote one. Reducing technical debt and chance of vendor lock-in
- Laravel-Flysystem - A Flysystem bridge for Laravel 5
- NwLaravel-FileStorage
- laravel-storage - A simple filesystem abstraction package for Laravel 4
- laravel-elfinder - elFinder bundle for Laravel 4
- media - Laravel package that saves uploaded files and links them with the associated model
- laravel-filemanager - A Simple Laravel Filemanager
- Flysystem | Docs - A filesystem abstraction which allows you to easily swap out a local filesystem for a remote one. Reducing technical debt and chance of vendor lock-in
- Apps
- ownCloud 7 - Access your data from all your devices, on an open platform you can extend and modify
- FreeNas
- pafm - PHP AJAX File Manager
- phpFileManager - PHP Filesystem Management Tool
- OneFileCMS - A CMS (err, text editor and file manager) all in one file
- simple-file-manager - A Simple PHP file manager. The code is a single php file.
- osFileManager
- sFileManager - Simple File Manager (SFM) is a web based file management utility
- Tutorial