- Packages
- Simple-PHP-Cache - A light, simple but powerful PHP5 Cache Class which uses the filesystem for caching
- cosenary/Simple-PHP-Cache - A light, simple but powerful PHP5 Cache Class which uses the filesystem for caching
- JG_Cache - Simple PHP file-based caching class
- PHP MySQL Caching Wrapper - Execute MySQL queries and cache results in files
- PHP Cache - The PHP Cache organization is dedicated to providing solid, powerful, flexible, and lightweight caching libraries for PHP projects
- slimphp/Slim-HttpCache - Slim Framework HTTP cache middleware and service provider
- mmamedov/page-cache - PageCache is a lightweight PHP library for full page cache. Your dynamic PHP page's output is fully cached for a period of time you specify. Mobile devices cache support built-in
- Laravel
- Flatten - A package to flatten any website to plain HTML
- Flattnr - Flatten class for laravel 4
- EloCache - Cache extension for Laravel4
- laravel-cash - Simple to use cache layer for your laravel application using memcached & nginx
- laravel-html-cachebusting
- laravel-resque
- Fast PHP Caching
- laravel-cache-protract - File based cache prolonger for Laravel
- laravel-precedent - Auto Cache and Purge on Eloquent
- laravel-fragment-caching | Docs
- dsettings - Store settings in the database and use cache to increase performance
- tedious/Stash - The place to keep your cache
- Database
- laravel-mongodb-cache - A MongoDB cache driver for Laravel 4 and the package jenssegers\mongodb
- squirrel - A Laravel package that automatically caches and retrieves models when querying records using Eloquent ORM
- Flatten - A package to flatten any website to plain HTML
- Twig
- twig-cache-extension - The missing cache extension for Twig. Caching template fragments with Twig
- TwigCacheBundle - Symfony Bundle for asm89/twig-cache-extension
- Drupal
- References
- Tutorial
- Cache
- Caching Queries
- Sections
- Increments & Decrements
- Session
- Laravel Unwrapped: Session, Auth and Cache
- Caching routes using filters in Laravel 4
- Laravel 4 Cache as a Service
- Easy trick to move cache files to RAM without coding a PHP line
- Event Listeners - Forget cache upon model events or custom events
- Simple Twitter Feed with Cache Using Laravel and Twitter API
- A Study on a Custom Laravel CMS's Caching System
- Youtube
- Cache
- Tutorial
- Alternative PHP Cache
- Set up Alternative PHP Cache (APC)
- Installing APC in Windows
- Install APC for PHP
- Speed up PHP with APC - Alternative PHP Cache
- PHP accelerations: How to configure Alternative PHP Cache (APC) on Windows
- PHP: APC Configuration and Usage Tips and Tricks
- Laravel 4 is slow ?
- How to speed up PHP with Opcode cache like APC
- Windows
- Alternative PHP Cache
- Apps
- OpCacheGUI - GUI for PHP's OpCache
- opcache-gui - A clean, effective and responsive interface for Zend OPcache
- PHP OpCache
- opcache-status - A one-page opcache status page
- Tutorial
- PHP < 5.5
- Youtube
- Tutoriel PHP : OPcache
Pagespeed Module
- Tutoriel PHP : OPcache
- Tutorial
- Youtube
- Packages
- multi-memcached - Multiple memcached connection handler for Laravel Cache
- Tutorial
- mod_deflate
- Tutorial