- Apps
- Centmin Mod - LEMP (Linux, Nginx, MariaDB MySQL & PHP-FPM) web stack for CentOS 6.x Linux
- noip - The freedom to connect to your devices from anywhere
- Log
- Monitor
- grafana
- docker-grafana-graphite - Docker image with StatsD, Graphite, Grafana and a Kamon Dashboard
- grafana
- Tutorial
- Học VPS
- Wikivps
- htaccess - A collection of useful .htaccess snippets
- 20 Linux System Monitoring Tools Every SysAdmin Should Know
- Apps
- - Proxmox Virtual Environment is a complete server virtualization management solution, based on KVM virtualization and containers
- - Simple & Clever Hosting Control Panel
- Tutorial
- Performance
- Packages
- Tutorial
- Nginx Configuration Primer
- Setup Nginx, Apache (XAMPP) On Same Server
- Installing in Ubuntu with Nginx and PHP-FPM
- How to Add Custom File Extension for PHP in Apache and Nginx
- Nginx configuration for the site
- Nginx and PHP-FPM Configuration and Optimizing Tips and Tricks
- Setting up PHP-FastCGI and nginx? Don’t trust the tutorials: check your configuration!
- How To Optimize Nginx Configuration
- Tối ưu cấu hình cho NGINX [ Phần Cuối VestaCP ]
- Errors
- Rewrite
- Laravel
- How To Install Laravel with Nginx on an Ubuntu 12.04 LTS VPS
- How to Install Laravel with an Nginx Web Server on Ubuntu 14.04
- Setting up Laravel w/ Nginx
- Setup Your Laravel & Nginx Server with PHP 5.5
- Using NginX and Laravel: URL Rewrites
- Laravel 4 nginx configuration
- laravel_virtualhost_nginx.conf
- Nginx virtual host configuration with support to Laravel
- NGINX Rewrite for Laravel
- No input file specified
- Stackoverflow
- Youtube
- Packages
- mod_fcgid
- mod_fastcgi
- Tutorial
- What's the difference between “mod_fastcgi” and “mod_fcgid”?
- mod_fcgid - A high performance alternative to mod_cgi or mod_cgid
- FastCGI
- mod_fastcgi
- PHP-FPM - A simple and robust FastCGI Process Manager for PHP
- Enabling Fastcgi on XAMPP/Windows
- FastCGI with a PHP APC Opcode Cache
- Installing PHP FastCGI and Zend OPcache on XAMPP for Windows
- FastCGI with a PHP opcode cache benchmarks
- Tutorial
- | Docs
- HHVM, Nginx and Laravel
- HHVM config for Laravel
- HHVM, Nginx and Laravel
- HHVM, Nginx and PHP (and also Laravel)
- PHP Revolution: HHVM and WordPress 3.9
- High-performance WordPress installation using Nginx, MariaDB and HHVM from scratch in Ubuntu 13.10
- Building a Better PHP, Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
- HHVM with Symfony 2 looks amazing
- Stackoverflow
- Youtube
- HHVM Topic
- HHVM Topic
- Tutorial
- Tutorial
- Cloud computing
- Cloud computing comparison
- A Guide to Open Source Cloud Computing Software
- 11 Top Open-source Resources for Cloud Computing
- 60 Open Source Apps You Can Use in the Cloud
- Hướng dẫn đăng ký và sử dụng free VPS Cloud Openshift
- 60 Open Source Apps You Can Use in the Cloud
- Cloudlinux
- CloudStack
- CloudLinux
- Youtube
- Tutorial
- Tutorial
- Packages
- laravel-raven
- Laravel Rollbar
Load Balancer
- Tutorial
- Xây dựng hệ thống load balancer cho web
- Cài đặt Web Server cho Amazon EC2 Instance
- An Introduction to HAProxy and Load Balancing Concepts
- How To Use HAProxy to Set Up MySQL Load Balancing
- Scaling a PHP MySQL Web Application Part 1 | Part 2
- MySQL Load Balancing with HAProxy
- Bring High Performance Into Your PHP App (with ReactPHP)
- Load balancing Node.js
- Horizontally Scaling Node.js and WebSockets with Redis
- Setup node.js Servers Within a Load-balanced Configuration
- Packages
- HAProxy
- Linux Virtual Server
- Packages
- Capistrano - Remote multi-server automation tool
- webistrano - Webistrano is a Web UI for managing Capistrano deployments
- Rocketeer | Docs - Send your projects up in the clouds
- Deploy - Deploy is an Artisan command with the aim to provide a very simple way to deploy your code into staging and production while ensuring valid version tags are applied
- PHPloy - PHPloy - Incremental Git FTP deployment tool that supports submodules, multiple servers and rollbacks
- deployer - A configurable deploy script
- git-ftp - Git powered FTP client written as shell script
- laravel-reflector - Simple Laravel 4/artisan package to show DocBlock documentation for a given facade or alias
- deployer - Deployment Tool on PHP
- Robo Task - Task Runner for PHP
- Capistrano - Remote multi-server automation tool
- Tutorial
- Remove public folder
- Deploy Websites Easily with Git through FTP
- Maintenance Mode and Whitelists in Laravel 4
- Git
- Chef
- Capistrano
- Apps
- php-dockerized - Dockerized PHP development stack: Nginx, MySQL, MongoDB, PHP-FPM, HHVM, Memcached, Redis, and Elasticsearch.
- Tutorial