- Packages
- Latchet
- BrainSocket
- laravel-websocket - Laravel (websocket, sample / websocket,
- Larapush - WebSocket and Push server, A Ratchet and ZMQ implementation
- sockjs-client
- Realtime - Realtime for Laravel using Pusher, Pubnub
- JS Libraries
- ajaxio - Seamless and ajax long polling fallback
- Local Storage:
- WebSqlSync - Synchronize a local WebSQL DB to a server
- localStorage Node.js
- backbone.localstoragesync
- store.js - localStorage wrapper for all browsers without using cookies or flash. Uses localStorage, globalStorage, and userData behavior under the hood
- remoteStorage
- SyncIt - SyncIt is a library to enable you to easily add synchronization to your (offline / phonegap) web Apps