Nested Set
- Packages
- MPTT (Modified Preorder Tree Traversal)
- Baobab | Docs - A library applying the nested set model
- Laravel
- Baum | Docs - Nested Set
- Nested-sets - Cartalyst
- phpMptt
- laravel-nestedset - Laravel 4 package that simplifies creating, managing and retrieving trees in database
- dimsav/laravel-nested - Add nested sets validation to eloquent models
- eloquent-tree - Eloquent Tree is a tree model for Laravel Eloquent ORM
- ClosureTable - Adjacency List’ed Closure Table database design pattern implementation for Laravel framework
- sonars/tree
- Parent-child Hierarchy
- Laravel
- mahana-hierarchy-laravel | Docs - Laravel package version of the Mahana Hierarchy module
- mahana-hierarchy-laravel
- NestableCollection - A Laravel Package that extends Eloquent\Collection to handle unlimited nested items following adjacency list model
- Laravel
- MPTT (Modified Preorder Tree Traversal)
- JS Libraries
- mechanicious/domenu | Demo - Customized version of Nestable for wordpress-like back-end hierarchical menu creation
- jquery-sortable-lists - jQuery plugin to sorting lists also the tree structures. Smooth motion while dragging and scrolling
- Nestable jQuery Plugin
- TreeGrid jQuery plugin | Save state | example-bootstrap-3 - Create TreeGrid from HTML table
- bootstrap-gtreetable | Demo
- jQuery Tree Multiselect | Demo
- fancytree | Docs - Tree plugin for jQuery with support for persistence, keyboard, checkboxes, tables (grid), drag'n'drop, and lazy loading
- Tutorial
- Vietnamese
- Cây tìm kiếm nhị phân
- Cấu trúc dữ liệu phân cấp và ứng dụng
- Category đa cấp với Nested Set Model Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
- Baum
- Managing Hierarchical Data in MySQL
- Importing 500 000 categories with Nested set Model with left and right.
- Creating a nested array from items with parent IDs
- PHP Diversion: Making Nested Arrays from Query Data
- How do you convert a parent-child (adjacency) table to a nested set using PHP and MySQL?
- Hierarchical queries in MySQL
- Parent-child Hierarchy
- Vietnamese