
  • Packages
    • util.php - is a collection of useful functions and snippets that you need or could use every day
    • php-utils - Collection of little PHP utilities that I'm not yet able to glue together in a framework
    • PHP Utilities Framework: General purpose collection of classes
    • Utilities - The php common and usefull utilities which can be used in any project with any framework
    • PUF - PHP Utility Framework
    • php-framework - PHP web application framework and utility classes
    • functional-php - Primitives for functional programming in PHP
    • Nette Utility Classes - Nette Utilities and Core Classes
    • php-helpers - A small Rails-inspired library of PHP helper functions. Simple stuff that really should be in core PHP
    • useful-php-scripts - several different,useful php scripts and functions
    • Useful-PHP-Functions - Set of system-independent functions from CleverStyle CMS
    • JBZoo/Utils - Some useful PHP functions and mini classes for pleasant web-development
    • belt - A handful of tools for PHP developers
    • Recipe - Collection of PHP Functions
    • Laravel
      • laravel-formatter - A Formatter Class for Laravel 4 based on FuelPHP's Formatter Class
      • Intervention/helper - PHP Helper classes to handle dates and strings. Built to work with the Laravel 4 framework
    • Javascript
  • Tutorial

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