- Packages
- filterable - Automatically filter Laravel Eloquent results from URL querystring
- dinkbit/filterable - Make your eloquent models filterable with ease
- laravel-search - A search package for Laravel 4
- searchable - Searchable, a search trait
- laravel-jqgrid
- eloquent-filterable - Manage Laravel 5 Eloquent queries with filters
- Laravel-Searchy - Laravel Searchy makes user driven searching easy with fuzzy search, basic string matching and more to come!
- Full-Text search
- Laravel-4-Searchy - Searchy makes user driven searching easy with fuzzy search, basic string matching and more to come
- searchable - A php trait to search laravel models
- Elasticquent - Map Larvel Eloquent models to Elasticsearch types
- Bouncy - Map Elasticsearch results to Eloquent models
- teamtnt/tntsearch - A fully featured full text search engine written in PHP
- JS Libraries
- Tutorial