- Packages
- kint - a powerful and modern PHP debugging tool
- tracy - debugging tool you will love
- PHP-Error - Better error reporting for PHP, and prettier too
- Xdebug
- wincachegrind
- KCachegrind - This is the homepage of the profiling tool Callgrind and the profile data visualization KCachegrind
- QCacheGrind - Windows prebuilt binary of QCacheGrind (better known as KCacheGrind)
- XCallGraph - XDebug profiles viewer
- Slim
- yusukezzz/slim-debugbar - PHP DebugBar for Slim framework
- Laravel
- Laravel 4 Debugbar | Forum
- Anbu Profiler
- Artisan Debug Profiler
- BetterDD
- clockwork - Server-side component of Clockwork, a Chrome extension for PHP development
- laravel-kint - Seemless integration of Kint into Laravel
- raveren/kint - Kint - a powerful and modern PHP debugging tool
- Errors
- laravel-4-smart-errors - showing a very generic error message to your end-users while sending an email
- laravel-error-emailer - Emails you whenever an error occurs on your server
- bugonemail
- WebMail Lite PHP
- Laravel-Exceptions - Pretty error pages for both development and production for Laravel 5
- Phalcon
- prophiler - Web framework delivered as a C-extension for PHP
- Tutorial
- Debugging Queries in Laravel
- Errors
- Xhprof & Xhgui
- Xdebug